Today's post is about what I have lost and what I have gained...

Maybe, that is where God comes in. He makes the tough decisions for you. Maybe his plan is something larger then I could ever imagine and I am just really a small part of that.
15 years has really changed my view on the world. I am learning how to live with my losses. I am learning that I cannot change what has happened, but also learning that I would not want to miss the life that I have now. The one with my earthly Angels in.
It is still rough when I think of him(the man who murdered them) being out of prison. It makes me ill when I think that he gets to live life and they did not. I still blame myself for not seeing who he was.
I will NEVER FORGET, but need to learn to forgive. I actually thought I might have had that down but now am thinking I need to go back and learn how to do it again. One day at a time.
I LOVE MY ANGELS (Heavenly and Earthly)